Title: A Haven of Knowledge
In school libraries, minds take flight, A sanctuary of literary might. Lawmakers aim to enhance the glow, For children's minds to rapidly grow.
Empowering, inspiring, and igniting the spark, School libraries have made their mark. A repository of knowledge profound, Where curious minds are always found.
Lawmakers do their due inspection, Recognizing libraries' immense connection. Supporting these hubs of learning's wealth, Fostering growth in children's mental health.
Checking on these havens is their mission, To ensure resources fit their vision. From diverse books to digital tools, Equipping libraries with learning fuel.
Parents play a crucial role in the strand, Supporting libraries hand in hand. Their engagement paves the way, For a brighter future, come what may.
Parents' input is valued and sought, To shape libraries where knowledge is taught. Collaborating to enrich this space, Creating opportunities for young minds to embrace.
Knowledge is power, a universal creed, School libraries fuel our children's need. Lawmakers and parents, let's unite, For limitless learning, day and night!
So, let's cherish our school libraries dear, A haven where knowledge is always near. Lawmakers and parents, in this endeavor, We'll create a haven that lasts forever.
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