Title: The Tattered Ties of Trust
In times of trouble, when hope burns low, The shrunken safety net begins to show, A frayed tapestry of support once stout, Now teetering, as it struggles to tout.
A folks' misgivings mirror the land's decline, As they navigate through a world unkind, The safety net's taut threads slowly unwind, Leaving countless vulnerable, left confined.
Once sturdy pillars that helped society mend, Now weakened by cracks that continue to extend, Bad feelings emerge, as despair transcends, The eroded foundation on which trust depends.
The fraying safety net reveals a bitter truth, A chilling detachment that stifles growth, Economic downturns wreak havoc on psyche, Leaving many disheartened, feeling weak and weary.
But in this realm of broken dreams and doubt, We must seek solace, find strength devout, For the safety net may shrink and bend, But resilience and unity can still transcend.
Through empathy's embrace and compassion's touch, We can mend the tattered ties that mean so much, Rebuilding trust, the cornerstone we find, To revive the safety net and heal mankind.
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