Title: When Aid Fades, Hope Deflates
As shadows fall on Ukraine's plight, The White House shares a chilling lapse, Warning of funds nearing their end, Congress and aid, mend this collapse!
A nation seeks refuge beyond the fight, Dreams lie broken, shattered glass, Impoverished hearts await their due, Will hope revive or forever pass?
In a world rife with power and might, Humanity's voice must never lapse, Entwined, united, it always should be, For Ukraine's people, unveil kind maps.
Oh, Congress, hear the plea, take flight, Extend that helping hand with a clasp, For when aid drains, dreams fade away, Rekindle hope, let the shadows grasp.
Let not their cry for help ignite, A silence, cold and so unsurpassed, Recognition demands action now, Lest apathy triumphs, and good departs.
Ukraine's plea echoes from day to night, Glimmers of strength still vivid, and vast, Together we can rewrite this tale, Restore their faith, let compassion amass.
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